- No commission on transactions : Unlike brokers on stock markets, Forex brokers do not take no commission (unless otherwise stated). How to remunerate happens then you tell me? And although they are paid, thanks to the spread, which is also the case on the stock markets. Depending on your broker, the spread evolves. It is for you to choose the broker that you like. Our 'brokers & MM' will give you all the information needed.
- Instantaneous executions of orders in the market : On the Forex, you click to get a price and that price will be yours! There are no delays between the time you place the order and the time you are done as is the case on the stock markets. This is an important advantage. If you've dealt a little purse, you probably got to spend a market order and be surprised by the result of your running. Well this is due to execution time. But thanks to Forex, you're done!
- Buy / Sell, regardless of the direction : it is you he happened to want a shorter action and can not do? Yes probably because the stock market, the only way to do that is through the SRD. But as you have already noticed, all the shares are not eligible for the SRD. Some actions are impossible to shorter. With Forex, it is finished. Whatever your view, the pair selected, everything is possible with a single click. It's up to you to decide your strategy and not the market that will impose its laws! Indeed, the Forex, when you trade on parity, you sell one currency and buying another.
- No intermediate : on Forex, you are directly connected with the Market Maker. There is therefore no loss of time or money lost due to intermediate as is the case on the stock markets. All processes that delay the transmission of your order on the market disappear in Forex. This allows your orders to be executed instantaneously.
- The market is not influenced : In stock, when a background, a company or other large shareholder sells his shares, as the fall because they have a strong impact on the market. This is also true in the sense of purchase. Forex, this impact disappears. You say it would disappear completely lie to you but it is very limited. Indeed, liquidity is such that funds or other big players may not significantly influence the market. It is for you all to the market and create a trend!
- Analyzes undistorted : Many analysts work for banks. However, these banks for business clients that their analysts are responsible for noting. You will therefore understand that there is a strong link between the two. The company pressured the bank to get a good rating under pain of what it changes its bank. The bank does not want to lose a client, then it puts pressure on the analyst that it gives a good rating to the company. Thus analysis is published distorted and do not be fooled, this happens regularly, even if it is prohibited. Forex do not exist, analysts are content just to analyze the market, they have no incentive to distort their analysis.
- A choice easier : On stock markets, I can tell you it is the exact number of different titles but it is great. For you, it is therefore a multitude of investment opportunities, which degrades the quality of your positions. Forex, there are only 8 major pairs. Other opportunities are accessible to you but it is easier for you to choose from conviction. You can keep track of all the major pairs, which is impossible on the stock markets.
- A market trend : You should know that the foreign exchange market is a market conducive to strong trends. Unless exceptional circumstances as is the case in crisis, it is rare to see a parity length remained within a range. The investor thus earning opportunities consistent.
- A significant leverage : All the brokers are at your disposal to leverage it can use or not. On each transaction, you can then choose the desired leverage for your profile, all applying the method of money management!
- A significant liquidity : on Forex, it processes daily about 3200 billion dollars which will therefore provide significant liquidity irrespective of the gender that you want to process. Moreover, given that your counterpart is your broker, you will always be treated on parity that offer. Gone are the days where you want to buy a stock on the market promising action but could not due to insufficient liquidity.
- An open market 24/24H : Forex is a market that never closes, except on weekends but this is not the market closes, your broker that you simply forbidden treat. Your broker offers you the opportunity to address 23h Sunday 22h to Friday. You can then treat any time of day, while returning from office for example which is impossible on the equity market. In addition, it allows you to avoid gaps of these openings are very common on the stock markets and can be very harmful to your wallet.
- Information accessible : Unlike the equity market, all information is immediately available through your broker or specialist websites. You do not need a subscription to track ads like this happens on stock markets.
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